The One-Stop Product Management Guide - A framework and list of articles to help product managers build, grow and manage digital products (invalid link)
Product Management Coursea - Become an effective Software Product Manager by mastering Agile software development practices to confidently interact with clients and manage a development team.
Idea To Revenue Masterclass - Become a Strategic Product Leader: Validate Ideas, Launch Great Products, Deliver Business Results.
Coursera - Software Product Management - Create Better Software using Agile Practices. Master Agile development and effective interactions to drive the making of great software products (Capstone Project)
Cursos PM3 (Portuguese Only) - The first course 100% in Portuguese about Product Management. It was made by product professionals and the course covers from the basics until the most advanced topics with +40 hours of content.
The Cranky Product Manager - A blog on product management, product marketing, and the ugly side of software product development. As of April 2015, the author, Sue Raisty, no longer writes, but she has a large backlog of great posts.
Lean Product & Lean UX Silicon Valley - People interested in applying Lean Startup, Lean UX, and Agile principles to design and develop products that customers love
Lean Startup Week - Lean Startup Week is a seven-day immersion into Lean Startup methodology led by star practitioners in big companies and hot startups from around the world.
Enterprise UX 2016 - The Enterprise UX 2016 conference is dedicated to delivering useful, delightful, and humane experiences to people who work for and in enterprises.
Product Camp Brasil - The event is now the largest on Product Management in Latin America, where Brazilian and international speakers share their learnings about Product, UX and Growth with the participants.